What is the online payment system?

GTI Travel use their Online Payment System to collect tour payment(s) as well as personal, passport, dietary and mobility details for passengers travelling on our Group Tours.

What if I can't get the link to open?

Some schools send the link via a text or an app, simply copy it and paste it into your browser, preferably Google Chrome.

What if I have an existing account for an older son or daughter?

If you already have a GTI Travel account, log in there first and then click the new link from the school. Doing this will trigger the system to register the new child/children. Otherwise, the system assumes that you want to pay more money for the child already on your account.

Why do I have to verify my email?

On our previous system, we found that some people didn’t check the email they entered and as a result they were subsequently unable to access their account because they were entering an incorrect email address.

By verifying your email, it lets us know that you are contactable at that email address and that you will be able to send a password reset, if ever required, from that email which will be linked to your account.

I can’t find the verification email?

The verification email is automatically sent immediately after you register your account. If you can’t see it in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder; you may need to wait a few minutes.

Depending on your email settings and/or firewall, the verification email from info@gtitravel.ie may go into your spam or junk folder. To ensure that our emails reach your inbox, please add the email address info@gtitravel.ie to your contacts or add @gtitravel.ie to your Safe Senders Whitelist/Trust List.

My child doesn’t have a valid passport?

If your child doesn’t have an passport or their passport is out of date, please enter A1234567 and 31/12/2025 in the passport number and expiry date fields. These fields can be updated up to 10 weeks before travel. Please note that the responsibility of getting the passport in time for travel remains with the parent/guardian and that the deposit is non-refundable. Please note, that for GDPR reasons, all passport details are deleted the day after the tour returns.

My child has got a new passport, what should I do now?

You can edit the passport details for your child/children up to 10 weeks before travel. If you get a new passport after this date, you’ll need to email it to comms@gtitravel.ie mentioning the school tour that your child is travelling on.

My child is not travelling on an Irish passport, will they need a visa?

If your child/children are not travelling on an Irish passport, they may need to get a visa to travel. As the parent/guardian, you’ll need to check with the Consulate Office or Department of Foreign Affairs of the country your child/children will be visiting.

If a letter is required by the Consulate or Department, please email comms@gtitravel.ie mentioning the school tour that your child is travelling on.

Our tour is within Ireland, why am I being asked for passport details?

The majority of our tours travel further afield where passport information is required. If your child’s tour is staying in Ireland, please enter A1234567, Ireland and 31/12/2025 in the passport fields, we’ll know to ignore it.

What if my child has dietary requirements?

You can edit the dietary requirements for your child/children up to 10 weeks before travel.

If after this date, you realise that you didn’t add their dietary requirements, you’ll need to email it to comms@gtitravel.ie mentioning the school tour that your child is travelling on. If your child has a dietary requirement that doesn’t appear in the drop-down menu, you’ll need to email comms@gtitravel.ie to let them know, please mention the school tour that your child is travelling on.

What if my child has a mobility issues?

You should add a note of your child/children’s mobility issue(s) when registering for the tour. You can edit the mobility issues for your student up to 10 weeks before travel.

If after this date, you realise that you didn’t add their mobility issues, you’ll need to email it to comms@gtitravel.ie mentioning the School Tour that your child is travelling on. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s mobility issues, please email ops@gtitravel.ie to contact the team who will be operating your child/children’s tour.

I'm getting a message that says invalid reference, ID or email . . .

You’ll get this message if you paid your deposit over the phone (outside of an online account) and are now trying to pay via a balance link.

Unless you paid your first deposit through the account, you will not be able to pay any subsequent payments using the GTI Travel link. You will need to pay your balance over the phone. As your payments will have been made outside the system, please remember to email a copy of your child’s passport to comms@gtitravel.ie mentioning the school tour that your child is travelling on. Please also mention any dietary requirements or mobility issues.

When I click the resend password button, it says you must be logged in to use this feature?

The forgot my password link email is automatically sent immediately after you request it. If you don’t receive it straight away, depending on your email settings and/or firewall, the forgot my password email from info@gtitravel.ie may have gone into your spam or junk folder.

If you can’t see it in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder; you may need to wait a few minutes. Please add info@gtitravel.ie to your contacts or add @gtitravel.ie to your Safe Senders Whitelist/Trust List. If you still can’t see it, please send an email to comms@gtitravel.ie and we will manually reset it.

What if I am unable to pay online?

If you are unable to pay online, you can phone the office on 01 843 4734 (press 3) and can make full payment over the phone. You’ll need to email a copy of your child/children’s passports to comms@gtitravel.ie to ensure that the details we pass on to the airline are correct. Be sure to let us know if your child/children have any dietary requirements or mobility issues.

I'm still stuck and these FAQ don't address my question?

Please phone the office on 01 843 4734 and press 3 for our Online Payment Helpline which is open Monday – Friday from 10:00am – 14:00pm. Alternatively, send an email outlining your query to comms@gtitravel.ie and our Commercial Operations team will be able to help you.